
Google chart iframe

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi Todd
Thanks for your work, one problem i have is using an iframe embedded from google docs by publishing a pie chart. It works fine in my responsive template, except on mobile phone (IOS).
Should your script work in this situation or is for video feeds only?

It'll work for some iframes, but that depends on their contents. Can't really say anymore without seeing an example.

Thanks Todd

If you go to and look at the source from that page you will see the google link under the "twitter" container (i reused the container so there is no twitter involved

If you need more info let me know
I appreciate you having a look for me

the site works OK as it is on personal computer and tablets due to the size i have set in the chart but on iPhone (640px width) the chart fits but the rest of the site is only half the width of the screen

I guess the alternative is the Google API query but i find that is limited to a pie with legend and does not look as good

I tried looking for responsive dashboards etc but it is maxing out my ability at this stage ....


Bruce Fletcher
0417 075 152

On 30 Apr 2014, at 5:57 pm, Todd Motto wrote:

It'll work for some iframes, but that depends on their contents. Can't really say anymore without seeing an example.

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This isn't an iframe problem, it's the contents of the iframe - the pie chart isn't responsive.