Feature request: break text if too long.
guettli opened this issue · 0 comments
guettli commented
I have an event with a long text from time to time:
│ ├── Event/test-dfkhje-7wnxg.177a0a977f4c6837 - ControlPlaneUnhealthy: Waiting for control plane to pass preflight checks to continue reconciliation: Machine test-dfkhje-7wnxg-6snkf reports EtcdMemberHealthy condition is unknown (Failed to connect to the etcd pod on the test-dfkhje-control-plane-qhfkf-sszhr node: could not establish a connection to any etcd node: unable to create etcd client: context deadline exceeded) (x11) 5m15s
Since this means the whole column has this width, it has this drawback.
I can see it without line breaks by using a tiny font on the console (ctrl minus):
But as soon as I use a bigger font, the lines are ugly, because the age (last column) gets wrapped to the next line:
Feature request: break text if too long.