
ToiBot is a chatbot application built with Node.js that showcases the capabilities of the Flowise SDK.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ToiBot Chatbot

ToiBot is a chatbot application built with Node.js and powered by Flowise SDK. It provides a functional and customizable chatbot web interface that enables users to interact with their Flowise workflows.


New on Flowise? Check out FlowiseAI to get started.

🚀 Features

  • Real-time Chat Interface: Engage with your Flowise flows in real time through a user-friendly interface.
  • Streaming: Receive responses in a continuous stream, providing a more natural and engaging conversational experience.
  • Follow-up Prompts: Suggest follow-up questions to enhance user engagement.
  • File Upload Support: Upload and process various file types including TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, CSV, JSON, and XML.
  • Image Upload Support: Upload and process image files with preview functionality.
  • Image Display: The chatbot can display images received in the conversation.
  • Attachment Preview: Shows thumbnails for uploaded images and file information for documents.
  • File Size Limits: Enforces configurable size limits based on Flowise settings.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Supports drag-and-drop for uploading files and images.
  • AI Message Copying: Users can easily copy AI-generated messages.
  • Dynamic Upload Controls: Shows/hides upload buttons based on Flowise configuration.
  • Session Management: Preserve context throughout interactions by utilizing session IDs.
  • Chat History: Maintains conversation history across sessions using local storage.
  • Reset Functionality: Allows users to start fresh conversations.
  • Auto-growing Input: The chat input field automatically expands as you type, providing a comfortable writing experience while maintaining a clean interface.
  • Boxed/Full Screen Mode: Allows users to switch between a boxed chat interface and a fullscreen experience.
  • Customizable Welcome Message: Allows defining a personalized welcome message to greet users upon entering the chat.
  • Visual Feedback: Displays loading animations and progress indicators during operations.
  • Markdown Support: Responses are displayed with Markdown formatting to improve readability and presentation.
  • API Proxy: The proxy ensures that sensitive information like your API host and chatflow ID are never exposed to the client-side code.
  • Security: Employs the Flowise API key to ensure continuous chatbot security.
  • Embed Feature: Easily embed the chatbot on any webpage with a simple script tag.

📋 Prerequisites

  • An active Flowise workflow and Flowise API key (free!).
  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)

🛠️ Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/toi500/ToiBot.git
    cd ToiBot
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Flowise API credentials:

  4. Start the server:

    npm start # or
    npm run dev
  5. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to interact with the chatbot.

🌐 Embedding the Chatbot

Basic Integration

To embed the chatbot on any webpage, include the following script tag and custom element:

<!-- Basic usage (defaults to fullscreen) -->
<script defer src="https://your-server-url/embed/toibot.js"></script>
<!-- With customization -->
<script defer src="https://your-server-url/embed/toibot.js"></script>
  welcome-message="Hello! How can I assist you today?"
    .chat-container { background: #f5f5f5; }
    .message.bot { background: #e3f2fd; }
    .message.user { background: #f5f5f5; }
    /* Add more custom styles here */

Available Attributes

  • fullscreen: Controls whether the chatbot opens in fullscreen mode
    • "true" (default) - Opens in fullscreen
    • "false" - Opens in boxed mode
  • hide-fullscreen-toggle: Controls visibility of the fullscreen toggle button
    • "true" (default) - Hides the toggle
    • "false" - Shows the toggle
  • welcome-message: Sets a custom welcome message for new chat sessions
  • custom-styles: Injects custom CSS to modify the chatbot's appearance

🔧 Server File Configuration

System Override

In server.js, you can customize the AI's behavior by modifying the predictionConfig object: (via overrideConfig)

const predictionConfig = {
  chatflowId: process.env.FLOWISE_CHATFLOW_ID,
  chatId: sessionId || uuidv4(),
  streaming: true,
  uploads: [],
  overrideConfig: {
    systemMessage: 'You are a helpful AI assistant. You are friendly and concise...'

Available Override Options

The overrideConfig property accepts the following configurations:

overrideConfig: {
  systemMessage: 'Your system message here',
  // Add other Flowise-supported configurations

⚙️ Dynamic Configuration

The chatbot now automatically adapts to your Flowise chatflow configuration:

  • Upload Features: Buttons for file and image uploads are dynamically shown/hidden based on your Flowise settings.
  • Follow-up Prompts: Can be enabled/disabled through Flowise configuration.

🔒 Security Considerations

API Protection Layer


ToiBot implements a robust security architecture to protect sensitive information and prevent direct exposure of your Flowise infrastructure:

  • Proxy Protection: All API calls are routed through a secure backend proxy (your-server-url/api/chat), ensuring that sensitive endpoints and credentials are never exposed to the client side.
  • Credential Isolation: Flowise API keys, base URLs, and chatflow IDs remain strictly server-side, preventing exposure in client-side code or network requests.
  • Request Validation: All incoming requests are validated and sanitized before being forwarded to the Flowise API.

Network Architecture

Client Browser <-> ToiBot Server (Proxy) <-> Flowise API
         [your-server-url/api/*]    [Your Flowise Instance]

This architecture ensures that:

  • Client-side code never directly accesses the Flowise API
  • API credentials remain secure on the server
  • All requests are properly authenticated and validated
  • Response data is sanitized before being sent to the client

Best Practices

When deploying ToiBot:

  • Always use environment variables for sensitive credentials
  • Keep all dependencies updated to patch security vulnerabilities

⚠️ Disclaimer

Users are encouraged to fork the project and adapt it to their specific needs and use cases. Please note that ongoing support or updates should not be expected.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the ISC License.