
cmd/chaincmd: need rootchain.gasprice flag with deploy(deployRootChain) cmd

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we have stakingFlags and plasmaFlags. deploy cmd has stakingFlags.

I think we need to make RootChainDeployGasPrice flag with deploy cmd.

sample script:

./build/bin/geth deploy $GENESIS_1 1021 true 2 \
  --datadir $DATADIR_1 \
  --rootchain.url $JSONRPC \
  --unlock $ADDR1 \
  --password $PWD \
  --rootchain.sender $ADDR1 \
  --rootchain.deployGasPrice 20000000000
  1. considering using same flag name (gasPrice, deployGasPrice)
  2. considering merging chaincmd.go and stakecmd.go


--rootchain.deploygasprice value      Transaction gas price to deploy rootchain in GWei (default: 10000000000). This flag applies only to deploy command. (default: 10000000000)