
[Transforms]: Typography tokens aren't getting converted yet

six7 opened this issue · 0 comments

six7 commented

Typography tokens aren't getting converted yet. I'd expect by default those would be converted to the css font: shorthand. I think a dedicated transform that users can add which transforms to css classes would be good (part of my gist), but the shorthand is a good start, however as it doesn't cover everything classes would provide a good basis.


Ran with our internal tokens:

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      "type": "color",
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      "description": "Default accent color for background elements, such as button backgrounds."
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      "description": "Muted accent color, used for text that might need to be distinguished from the primary."
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      "description": "When used with accent.emphasis, provides high contrast and legibility."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use to style borders in combination with the accent color, e.g. for important elements that need to be visually prominent."
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      "description": "Use for text or icons, to communicate a positive message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use for subtle backgrounds, to communicate a positive message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use for borders, to communicate a positive message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use for text or icons, to communicate a negative or critical message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use for subtle backgrounds, to communicate a negative or critical message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "Use for borders, to communicate a negative or critical message."
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      "type": "color",
      "description": "The default shadow color, used for most shadows."
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