
Support for Notes gallery

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We are planning to create a gallery book for our vault, we were thinking about this plugin but it seems it only supports images, are you thinking of adding full support for notes?

Thank you.

I wasn't planning to, the intent was just to show images pulled from the listed pages. I'll keep this issue open until I get a chance to experiment w/ displaying other page content, but it likely won't be any time soon.

For a bit more information: are you looking for something to display notes Google Keep-style, or like a Notion gallery falls back to displaying text if the pages don't have any images in them?

For a bit more information: are you looking for something to display notes Google Keep-style, or like a Notion gallery falls back to displaying text if the pages don't have any images in them?

Yeah, that Notion feature.

@SalahAdDin I've got a sort-of working prototype that displays page content instead of just images, depending on what mode you select. It's not available in the published page-gallery plugin yet (I want to do more testing before I push it out), but I have it in a forked repo at; if you use BRAT, you can install the prototype instead of the published plugin to see if it works for what you're trying to do.

It adds a mode option to the page-gallery config, which can be set to:

  • "auto" (default) - display the first image found in the page, unless there isn't one, then display page content
  • "image" - the current behavior, just displays the first image found, or falls back to just showing the filename
  • "content" - displays page content, doesn't even try to display the first image found

This has now been published as version 0.6.0.