
Lag with large images

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  • Win 10
  • Obsidian 1.3.7 (Latest of 2023-08-27)
  • Dataview 0.5.56 (Latest of 2023-08-27)
  • Page Gallery 0.7.4 (Latest of 2023-08-27)

Obsidian Settings:

  • Default View for new tabs: Reading view
  • Other: Default

Reproducing the issue:

  • Open the note file in reading view.
    • Once switched to live preview mode and scroll over the image part, and switched back to reading mode, there is no more lagging until the next time Obsidian is reloaded.
    • However, if switched to source mode and then back to reading mode, lagging still occurs.
  • Only when gallery page file pinned and displayed at split mode.
    • And current note is displayed at the gallery page.
    • And the large image is being previewed in the gallery grid (as the first image in the note).
    • Which means lag only occurs when large image is showed in gallery page at side tab.
  • Only lag when scrolling to image part. Pure text part no lag.

To avoid any ambiguity in my statement, this is my test vault.