
axum-extra tests fail except from git

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Running cargo test --all-targets --all-features for crate axum-extrafails like this:

1230s error: couldn't read /usr/share/cargo/registry/axum-extra-0.7.7/../axum/src/test_helpers/ No such file or directory (os error 2)
1230s    --> src/
1230s     |
1230s 113 | /         include!(concat!(
1230s 114 | |             env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
1230s 115 | |             "/../axum/src/test_helpers/"
1230s 116 | |         ));
1230s     | |__________^
1230s     |
1230s     = note: this error originates in the macro `include` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
1230s error: could not compile `axum-extra` due to previous error

The code expects to find files from crate axum outside the crate source - same as how files are organized in the git source repository.

It is my understanding that tests should be possible to execute not only from a git checkout, but also from an unpacked crate.

It is my understanding that tests should be possible to execute not only from a git checkout, but also from an unpacked crate.

I don't think there's any official rules or recommendations about that. There was a Cargo behavior change a while ago that suggests the opposite though: automatically stripping path dev-dependencies without a version during publish.

I'll choose this for now since it's not clear why we would put an effort into making tests runnable from the published crate tarball.