
It crawls your WordPress pages based on sitemap.xml to make pages being cached.

Primary LanguagePHP

Preload by Cron


It crawls your WordPress site based on the sitemap.xml (ex: Google XML Sitemaps).

If you are using some of WordPress caching plugins, this will always keep every page being cached and improve the cache hit ratio. Then your visitors always feel your site so fast.


  1. curl_multi is used to crawl pages in parallel. It will generate whole caches in a short period of time.

  2. This program has an ability to synchronize with garbage collection of your cache plugin. The expiration time of each cache is aligned within a certain time. This makes it easier to manage the settings of your cache plugin.

  3. It supports split preloading to distribute the load on your server.


This is not a WordPress plugin. Call preload.php directly from your server's cron.

wget -q "http://example.com/preload.php?key=your-secret-key&fetches=10&interval=100&debug=1"


php -q preload.php --key "your-secret-key" --fetches 10 --interval 100 --debug 1

where (default value):

  • key: A secret string to execute crawl. (null)
  • test: Just test, do not update the next split. (0)
  • retry: Retry to fetch timed out pages. (0)
  • debug: A level to output to debug log file. (0)
  • agent: Additional user agent strings. (null)
  • cache: Cache duration in seconds. (3600 sec)
  • gc: Interval of garbage collection in seconds. (600 sec)
  • wait: Wait in seconds for garbage collection. (10 sec)
  • fetches: A number of concurrent connections to fetch. (5)
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds for each connection. (10 sec)
  • interval: Interval in milliseconds per connections. (500 msec)


  • string your-secret-key: A secret key.
  • string $garbage_collector: url to kick off WP-Cron.
  • array $sitemap_urls: list of sitemap url.
  • array $additional_urls: list of additional url.
  • array $user_agent: user agent list when fetch urls.

secret key generator - WordPress API is useful for generating your-secret-key.

Synchronization with cache garbage collection:

If you set $garbage_collector to URL specified by WP-Cron Control, you can synchronize with cache garbage collection. This feature is highly recommended.

Fine settings of your cache plugin:

Crawling pages at each preloading needs a certain period of time. Let's say it as D seconds. If you set the cache duration to X seconds, and period of garbage collection to Y seconds, you should set those values such as X - D, Y - D seconds in order to synchronize with this program.


  • handle errors and exceptions.
  • additional crawl with smart phone UA.
  • loosely synchronize with cache garbage collection via WP-Cron Control.
  • make a ring buffer for debug log. (v0.9)
  • option parser for command line interface. (v0.9)
  • retry process if some pages failed to fetch. (v1.0)

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Licensed under the GPL v2 or later.