
Feature Request: Copy text directly from QuickLook

hpohlmeyer opened this issue · 3 comments

I would love to be able to copy text directly from QuickLook.

I used defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder to be able to select the text inside QuickLook, but I am not able to copy it by using + C.

Currently this is working for native files like .rft only. Markdown previews generated by this plugin are not responding to the shortcut.

@hpohlmeyer this had previously been working for me (and others, see #35), but it seems to not be functioning properly anymore.

I just installed the QuickLook plugin and enabled text selection with CLI command provided in the Readme.
<defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder>
Copy seems to work fine.
Maybe this issues can be closed?

@hpohlmeyer Same issue still exists for me as well. Works with .rtf but not with markdown 😢