initial LEDs are not set on start
tolga9009 opened this issue · 2 comments
After adding support for the Logitech G710+, I've forgotten a small piece of code in the constructor for setting up the initial LEDs. The intended behaviour is, that the profile LED should light up after starting sidewinderd (defaults to profile 1; can be set in .conf file). But currently, the LED profile only lights up, after pressing one of the LED buttons.
Fix is coming. Gonna update to 0.3.1 aswell.
Thanks, this driver gonna be better and better. I would like to note here if somebody experience that Scroll Lock key or led doesn't work than it isn't related to Sidewinderd driver. In Debian 8.2, I solved this in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbolus/us (or use any of your language instead of "us"):
modifier_map Mod3 { Scroll_Lock }; <==<< Add this line
include "level3(ralt_switch)" <==<< before this line
I found this solution here:
and here:,125690.msg1052201.html?PHPSESSID=2qsv83lve6dgd0ivq14bfcjc30#msg1052201