Tolocar playbook subpage
Closed this issue · 7 comments
We need a subpage for the playbook for both, the EN and UA website, which will be officially published and launched in January, 19th.
- Home/Main page: Adding a PDF viewer (where you can scroll through the document already to get a first glimpse) below the News Section - from there leading to the subpage:
- Subpage: Please recycle / copy the Maker Innovation Award subpage for this.
- URL short EN:
- URL short UA: not necessary, only one QR Code in the Playbook for EN/UA version - leads to EN version first, and readers can switch on their own to UA.
I would need this subpage latest by 8-9th of January 2024 to fill with content, if possible.
- EN (zur Auswahl, was besser geeignet ist für den PDF Viewer, Doppel- oder Einzelseite = DS / ES):
- UA:
Subpage: Please recycle / copy the Maker Innovation Award subpage for this.
I'm afraid this is not that simple. I'm gonna need a visual guideline where to put which content. This will still require some design work. Or phrased in another way: Does the content (amount and length of paragraphs, enumerations, etc.) really fit the Award subpage? It'll probably require some re-arrangement of the individual elements (which is work for a designer).
Home/Main page: Adding a PDF viewer (where you can scroll through the document already to get a first glimpse) below the News Section - from there leading to the subpage:
This is new to me – I thought we were talking about a PDF viewer on the landing page – not on the home page. A PDF viewer on the home page will visually disturb the look of the page (we can't style the default browser PDF viewer, it will have a default look). So this will probably not look very nice. I'd suggest to talk about this with a designer first.
Will check on this beginning of next year, and provide you with the respective content - but what I can say so far - from our side, we always talked and at least meant the start page/Startseite of the Tolocar website as the user needs to find the playbook directly from the start page. Let's talk about this next year!
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. August 2023 14:58
An: ''
Cc: 'Moritz Stückler'; 'Victoria Wenzelmann'; 'Anna Moritz'
Betreff: Playbook Tolocar auf Webseite !
Hi Tobias,
Vicy, Moritz und ich haben uns grade zusammengesetzt und überlegt, wie wir das Playbook (PB) auf der Tolocar-Website am besten darstellen. Einmal für dich unsere Überlegungen zusammengefasst – gib gerne Bescheid, ob das für dich so passt und ob das untenstehende alles im Budget ist, sodass wir Moritz ein Go geben können oder entsprechend reduzieren (in cc):
- Startseite: Playbook bekommt eine eigene Sektion mit einem eingebetteten PDF – sodass aktiv direkt auf der Webseite durchgeblättert werden kann.
- PB bekommt die URL: – Diese leitet auf eine minimalistische Unterseite (ähnlich den Interventions) weiter, hier recyclen wir ein bereits vorhandenes Template (minimal Aufwand für Moritz) und kann jeweils auf EN oder UA angeschaut werden. Auf der Unterseite verlinken wir nochmals das PDF, und leiten auf Appropedia weiter, wo Inhalte stetig angepasst werden können, unabhängig von nach Projektende.
Just Idea collection/brainstorming: We could instead add another tile next to Maker Innovation Award e.g. and lead from there to the subpage, where we include a PDF viewer? ,if the PDF Viewer is not possible on start page.
Would it be possible without a designer, to copy the tile of Maker Innovation Award and just add short text for playbook with own visual in the background?
EN subpage with text:
UA subpage with text/translation:
Map-Image for Green Box at left upper corner (if possible), otherwise will choose a new pic here with transparent background:
@Jacky-Bertlich You can look at a first draft of the page in the pull request linked above this comment.
@pReya - UA subpage is finalized:
Images for website in UA:
Cover for Tolocar Startpage/homepage:
Page title (in the browser Tab/Title bar), also in UA:
- EN: How to Tolocar: Playbook for Mobile Makerspaces
- UA: ЯК ТОЛОКАРИТИ: Практичний посібник для мобільних мейкерспейсів
- OpenGraph Image for Share Cards in social networks (preferably 1200x630px): The page header is already in 1200x630 px (but will upload again here as png or jpg:
- OpenGraph Description: Used as a teaser in Share Cards in social networks and for Google Search Results.
EN: How to Tolocar: With this playbook, we share our insights from the Tolocar project, and the diverse possibilities and applications of mobile makerspaces in Ukraine since May 2022.
UA: ЯК ТОЛОКАРИТИ: У цьому Практичний посібник ми ділимося нашими усвідомленнями, здобутими в межах проєкту «Tolocar», а також різноманітними можливостями та варіантами застосування мобільних мейкерспейсів в Україні з травня 2022 року.