
How to exclude a project that is detected as a dependency?

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My main project output has a reference to another project (EXE) that is used solely for versioning maintenance in the build process. It is not something the user sees. It's attached as a build event only and it's being detected as a dependency. How do I exclude that from Wax?

Setting "Copy local" to false in the references property sheet should do the job.

Oh sorry, I wasn't clear. It's not set as a reference in the project. That was a bad choice of words. The "reference" I meant was that it is included as a build event action. There is no reference to the utility project at all as far as assembly references are concerned.

Wax is only looking for project references, so I can't see why this should happen.
Can you post a sample?

Ah I found it, it was set as a reference on a dependent DLL. I was barking up the wrong tree initially. Thanks for the help!
