
Appearance of preferences at about:addons in Waterfox

Closed this issue · 1 comments

A minor cosmetic issue.

When I first used the about:addons interface to preferences, after using about:addons to enable the extension, it took a few attempts before I realised that there was limited space and a scroll bar:

2018-10-20 11 31 25 add-ons manager - waterfox

(The bar is slightly darker than usual in that shot, only because I pointed at it.)

Before discovering the bar, I imagined that most of the preferences were missing.

A non-coloured background (instead of the turquoise default) might make the bar more noticeable, but I shouldn't recommend this.

moz-extension://7744aebd-54f5-4a06-9b10-358b0e882345/templates/settings.html appears fine 👍

2018-10-20 11 33 15 break timer - settings - waterfox

– so I wonder, instead of a scrolling UI within limited space at about:addons is it possible to have just a Preferences button there, to open the preferences page?

Yes agreed. Its a shame Firefox displays the options page so small. The annoying thing is I would need to have a separate manifest for chrome and Firefox, as changing to what you said would break the options page on chrome. Maybe there's a way to do it without needing to do that.