
tex-buf.el has been merged into tex.el

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I've noticed this because I maintain the Emacsmirror and the tools, that I use to do so, inform me when a dependency of a mirrored package isn't satisfied (anymore).

In auctex tex-buf.el was merged into tex.el but your package still requires tex-buf. You can probably fix this by depending on tex instead, or if you already do that by dropping the additional (require 'tex-buf).

I feel like it's better if @emacsorphanage or some orgs take over the maintenance after contacting the maintainer.

An easy work-around for users waiting for an update is to add (provide 'tex-buf) in the init file before loading auctex-latexmk.

Fixed in pending #40.

I have added a patch to the version on the Emacsmirror to fix this issue, and have updated Melpa to get this package from there.

Closing to get this of the list of my issues to occasionally revisit. #40 is still open, so that serves as a visible pointer to the current workaround (using the version from the Emacsmirror).