No feedback to user when wrong password is entered
lc3t35 opened this issue · 1 comments
lc3t35 commented
When an incorrect password is entered, there is no message/alert displayed to the user.
We can just see in console
Object { stack: "Meteor.makeErrorType/errorClass@htt…", error: 403, reason: "Incorrect password", details: undefined, message: "Incorrect password [403]", errorType: "Meteor.Error" }
Add package chrismbeckett:toastr, and in import/ui/security/login.jsx
Meteor.loginWithPassword( emailAddress, password, ( error ) => {
if ( error ) {
} else {
FlowRouter.go( 'Home' );
lc3t35 commented
If you want a better rendering, create this errors.js
throwError = function(message) {
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": true,
"debug": false,
"newestOnTop": false,
"progressBar": false,
"positionClass": "toast-top-full-width",
"preventDuplicates": false,
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "10000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
throwWarning = function(message) {
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": true,
"debug": false,
"newestOnTop": false,
"progressBar": false,
"positionClass": "toast-top-full-width",
"preventDuplicates": false,
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "10000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
and call throwError(error.message)