
Welcome to my utility functions to access Office 365 applications.

Currently implemented:

  • Sharepoint365 with MFA enabled

Sharepoint 365

Sharepoint can be tricky to access via code when you have MFA enabled. Here is a list of links which helped me:

Accessing Sharepoint native


/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('BigLis')/items?$filter=(ProjectNo eq '123' or ProjectNo eq '141' or ProjectNo eq '154')

Service Prinicipal Authentication


The folder tests has Unit and Integration Tests. Originally the tests where under examples, but after while I realized that switching the examples to unit tests adds more values.

Run Tests

# shows all makers
pytest --markers 

# run sharepint tests only
# to be able to run the sharepoint test you have to 
# - set site_url
# - set your secret key in
# - create a test list on sharepoint called "Unittests"

# _app_principal = {    
#    'client_id': '',
#    'client_secret': '',
#    }
# _site_url = ''

pytest -m sp

# run integration tests 
# you might have to unqoute the skip marker to active them. Be aware they actually write/delete test records.
pytest -m integration