
Ignore errors in closures passed to specific functions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

SOF3 commented

I have a utility function like this:

type Slice[T any] []T

func (slice Slice[T]) TryForEach(message string, fn func(T) error) error {
    for _, item := range slice {
        if err := fn(item); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, message)
    return nil

However, when I call this function:

slice.TryForEach("message", func(value T) error {
    return otherpkg.DoSomething(value)

I get an error for not wrapping DoSomething.

TryForEach actually already wraps the error. It would be useful to have an ignore directive like this:

    - func: "TryForEach"
      param: "fn"

such that the lint is disabled for top-level return statements (and not including nested closures) in closures if the closure is directly passed as the fn parameter for a function matching TryForEach.

SOF3 commented

I'm happy to contribute this feature myself, would just like to hear some opinions on the design first.

Hmm, that is an interesting use case. Quite specific, it seems.

I'm not opposed to it, but I'm currently thinking of the value versus adding a line level ignore. Is this something that happens enough to you that it's worth the implementation effort for you?

SOF3 commented

Well, I use the TryForEach function a lot in the implementation of a certain interface in my project, so I have to add //nolint:wrapcheck above the whole function for every implementation of this interface. I agree this is a bit niche; would be great if anyone could propose a more reusable ignore rule.

Fair enough, alright, if you want to open a PR with a proposed implementation I'd be happy to review it.