
Support Rails applications

Closed this issue · 21 comments

The Infinity Test don't do anything special for Rails apps.

I'll support in the next version.

Thanks =D

Any Ideas/sugestions are welcome =-)


hi.i hvae created an branch to support rails and other framework
,but not perfection ,i plan to make it can work like autotest,,,,i hope it can help you

Awesome! =]
Help me a lot!
After finish the Bundler feature, I'll merge.

Good job! =D

Hi.i am glad it can help you .I have not completed it .i plan to complete it in few days!

Try to talk with this user repo

Appears that both guys try to add Rails funcionality to InfinityTest.
When is complete send me a pull request and I'll glad to merge this feature.

Great work, guys =]

Hi.I found the rspec color can not work .what about you?

Hi. I don't understand what you saying here. If you saying about the rspec color, I'll investigate this. The issue is here

Sorry for my weak english ,yes
I use the old version of infinity_test it can work ,but after i updated it ,i found it can not work..i am finding the issue..By the way ,i know little of bacon, i think that i add the rails support will not work well with it ,sorry!

No problem =].
It's a bug because the Rspec 2 oficial change the way they use to print colors.
Test::Unit don't print colors too.
Can you help me in this?


Hi..I finished the rails supprot !
The Rspec 2 release changed ? i hvae not notice that.
when i use rspec 2 beta22,it can work well few days ago.
I don't know how to make it work nowll

Awesome Job! =]
I'll merge!

Thanks =D

Merged in

About the Colors I don't know for sure what happening, but I'll investigate this.

Thanks again =)

Hi .I am glad it can help you .
I only know rails ,so other frameworks i can't add.
About the colors ,i am not sure if it is because of refactoring all the test libraries.
As i know ,before refactoring the test libraries,It can work!

The colors is a problem that really bothers me.
But when I have time I'll find this.
Before I close this issue I'll add Heuristics class and create a way for users put their own "mappings" (This will include moving all the mappings to there)

Thanks again for this great work

How is the support for Rails (3) going m8? I see stuff has happened since we last talked about it. Anything production ready yet? :)

In the master branch has total support for Rails apps, BUT to you customize the paths that you want monitor too, I'm working on it.

For example:

infinity_test --rails --rspec

Works and see this paths:

    configuration_pattern = "^config/application.rb"
    routes_pattern = "^config/routes\.rb"
    lib_pattern  = "^lib/*/(.*)\.rb"
    if using_test_unit?
      @test_pattern = "^test/*/(.*)_test.rb"
      @fixtures_pattern = "^test/fixtures/(.*).yml"
      @test_pattern = "^spec/*/(.*)_spec.rb"
      @fixtures_pattern = "^spec/fixtures/(.*).yml"
    @controllers_pattern = "^app/controllers/(.*)\.rb"
    @models_pattern = "^app/models/(.*)\.rb"

But if you add extra patterns to monitor and run something, today you can't, but I'm working on it.

If you want extra patterns to watch you can sse the EXPERIMENTAL feature of #heuristics method.

  heuristics do
      add('spec/spec_helper.rb') do
         run(:all => :files)

But this in master branch and yesterday I see bugs in this and I'm working on it right now.

seems to be working! awesome man. I'm really digging this tool. Using it on a new open source project I'll be releasing too long from now. Works perfectly when running against ree and 1.9.2.

Thanks for providing such a nice util. :)

I'm glad that you are using this tool. =]

I'll bump a version very soon =-)


Now it's done!

To see all the patterns that InfinityTest will watchr just run:

$ infinity_test --heuristics --rails

And you will see all the patterns that will monitor.

Works very well!

awesome stuff m8! :D

Thanks! And thanks to @doabit
This work was awesome!
