
Compilation error @ 5:19 in VBS script

Closed this issue · 2 comments

it complains about this line retValue = MsgBox messageText, messageType, messageTitle
adding parenthesis around arguments to the MsgBox call fixes it.
Why did this start to happen?

Actual error message (ran using cscript from command line):

c:\temp\proj\node_modules\dialog\msgbox.vbs(5, 19) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected end of statement

I get the same error on Windows 10 and the same fix makes it work.
The MSDN example also uses parenthesis for the call, if they use the return value (The language design of VBScript is simply amazing ...):

It would be very nice to have this fixed soon. I could submit a one-line PR if that helps.

tomas commented

This was fixed a long time ago. Sorry for the long delay!