
Bug with -cocf parameter

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Hello! I've been trying to setup this library with a project I'm working on, but I ran into a bug. When I tried running the program I got a Java Exception like this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: -comment-only-changed-files was not found in this result at all. Did you perhaps forget to add it to withArguments(...)?
        at se.bjurr.violations.main.Runner.main(
        at se.bjurr.violations.main.Main.main(

This puzzled me since -cocf should have a default value. When I tried providing the argument to the program, I got this:

Didn't expect -cocf, did you mean one of these?

This also didn't make sense since I npm installed the latest version of this library (1.7.0) which should include support for -cocf.

Thus, I've submitted a proposed file change for what I think should fix this bug - that is, I've added it to withArguments.

Let me know if you have any questions!
