
⚠️EXPERIMENTAL 🚀Lightbot Client Javascript SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Lightbot.js is a client javascript SDK

It allows the developer to easily communicate with any lightbot agent.


import { LightbotMessenger } from "lightbot";

const lightbotMessenger = new LightbotMessenger({
  hostURL: "http://localhost:9000",
  agentId: "agent-id",


  type: "plain",
  sender: "human",
  label: "Hello, I need some help!",

API Reference

Property Description Type
messages Message history Message
startMessenger Initializes the messenger and adds its welcome message to messages. NOTE: It doesn't do anything if the messenger was already initialized. Function(void): void
sendMessage Sends a message to the bot Function(message: Message): void
toggleMessenger Toggles messenger open state Function()
isOpen Current open state Boolean
onChange Called when any primitive property gets updated Function(): void

Message Type

Property Description Value
sender Message sender identification "bot" | "human"
type Type of message "plain" | "link" | "jump"

when type: "plain":

Property Description Type
label Plain text message string

when type: "link":

Property Description Type
label Representative link label string
link link string

when type: "jump":

Property Description Type
label Representative jump label string
jumps link Array<{ label: string; event: string; }>

withLightbotMessenger HOC

Lightbot.js provides a React HOC which can be used to provide a communication interface to your React components.

withLightbotMessenger<ComponentProps>(options: { agentId: string; hostURL: string; })(Component)

How to use

React components are exported from lib/lightbot-react.

import {
} from "lightbot/lib/lightbot-react";

type AppProps = LightbotMessengerDecoratedProps & {
  children: any;

class AppDisconnected extends Component<AppProps, {}> {
  public render() {
    const { messages, isMessengerOpen, toggleMessenger } = this.props;
    return (
          isMessengerOpen ? 
          />) : 
        <button onClick={toggleMessenger}>
          {isMessengerOpen ? "close" : "open"}

  private sendMessage = (message: string) => {
    this.props.sendMessage({ type: "plain", label: message });

export const App = withLightbotMessenger<AppProps>({
  hostURL: "https://localhost:9000",
  agentId: "agent-id"

Live Example

Edit ⚡️Lightbot Chat Widget Example

Injected props

withLightbotMessenger injects the same props as the one defined by the Lightbot API except the onChange is implemented in order to update your React components when any update is available.