
Login not working

pausanchezv opened this issue · 4 comments


I have followed all the steps in your example but I can't make it work. I complains about me not having installed the AuthenticationMiddleware in fastapi, which is weird because you don't mention it in the docs. The error I am being given when I set a breakpoint to catch the request is:
'AuthenticationMiddleware must be installed to access request.user'

The line of code that crashes is:
user = await google_sso.verify_and_process(request)

Which is returning:
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.CustomOAuth2Error: (redirect_uri_mismatch) Bad Request

Is there anything I am missing? If so, could you add it to the docs? If not, can you help please?

Stupid me I realized it only works under https since in production it works as expected. The solution is faking the ssl when in local!

@pausanchezv that's right, some services will require you to use https. In case you want to test locally and you are sure you set up your redirect uri in your sso provider to point to http://localhost (not https://localhost), you can add this to your environment and should be able to use pure http as well:


Let me point you to StackOverflow's answer I initially used to make this work:

Yeah Thanks! I just used mkcert to get a local ssl certificate and I now I use https anyways, which is also fine! Thanks for the extra alternative you suggested!