
use_state=True is a bad default

ichernev opened this issue · 1 comments

As far as I can tell, the state/use_state feature is not a very useful one:

  • if the web server has more than one instance it is useless
  • if there is one instance, but there is more than one flow "in-flight", it's also broken (login for user A, login for user B, callback for A, callback for B)

Also I fail to understand what security benefits it gives over the "bare" SSO flow.

In any case, if somebody has a single server and plans to run a single flow at a time (i.e very light load and doesn't care if it breaks from time to time), then maybe use_state may make sense. So I suggest to have the default be False.

Apparently some people got beaten by this, but they couldn't figure it out further:

Hi and thanks for this issue!
I absolutely agree this was a bad choice and will remove the use_state in future releases. You either set your own state and manage it by yourself or you don't want to use it at all (which should be default).