
Include the Table of Contents

wyatt-wong opened this issue · 9 comments

Suggest to include the "Table of Contents" before the Contents page.

tomaz commented

Thanks for suggestion! I'm not sure I understand though - TOC is before content already, isn't it? See screenshot for latest format showing page spread (as if book is open with both pages, odd and even visible):

  1. Title page (even page - blank cover sheet comes to the left, not shown on screenshot)

  2. Copyright info on the back side of the title page + Acknowlegements on the right side

  3. TOC

  4. Start of content, first chapter: introduction, followed by Z80 chapter

I show first 2 chapters in here because introduction no longer has chapter TOC (there's no point really + it takes substantial space from more important information - "Companion Source Guide") and to show the new format for chapter TOC - it only includes sections now, not subsections as it did before. This was necessary as Next chapter grew quite a bit and its TOC became too large to fit on single page spread...

Let me know if I misunderstood something!


I did not see the 4th and the 5th images in my generated PDF file. I have generated the PDF file twice using MiKTeX for macOS tool. I will review the PDF generation process to see if there is any issues.

In my view, a complete Table of Contents should include all the sub-sections in the generated file (even if it takes substantial amount of pages). The sub-sections in the Table of Contents of the PDF file are useful as user can simply click on the sub section hyperlink and jump directly into that sub-section.

tomaz commented

As is now, the main TOC includes subsections too, but not sub-sub-sections... But you raise an interesting point - it might be a good idea to include sub-sub-sections for downloadable PDF because of click to navigate. I'll experiment to see how it works.

There's no point of including it in printed book though IMO, it will be too many details, and the reader would loose the book overview...

BTW I also wanted to include "thumb index" (each chapter would have its own marker on the edge of the paper, on different heights, visible on the side of the book); it would make it simpler to navigate to specific one. But it's not simple to implement in LaTeX, and some chapters/sections (for Next, I wanted to use this for each section) are perhaps too short for this... I didn't abandon the idea yet, maybe will find a working solution...

tomaz commented

Perhaps, I tried with one package, but unfortunately don't remember which one. It didn't want to compile though... I created a separate issue to track thumb indexes #17

tomaz commented

Is this what you had in mind?

It created chapter TOC for introduction for some reason, seen on screenshot, I'll remove it.

I'm not biased regarding this when it comes to downloadable PDF, I can leave it like this. It's trivial to change, if many readers will be against. But again, printed book will have previous representation with just sections included.


Is this what you had in mind?

It created chapter TOC for introduction for some reason, seen on screenshot, I'll remove it.

I'm not biased regarding this when it comes to downloadable PDF, I can leave it like this. It's trivial to change, if many readers will be against. But again, printed book will have previous representation with just sections included.


I think it looks nice. On the other hand, I noticed the previous thumbs package for LaTeX is already included in the MiKTeX TeX distribution. The MiKTeX package is mentioned in your "Editing" section in the

tomaz commented

Ok, I'll leave this style then, will be available with rev 2 PDF. I also made TOC and URLs clickable to make PDF even more usable.

Thanks for thumbs heads up, I'll definitely check it out, it's a feature I'd like to have myself. Not sure if this will make it for rev 2 though; even if I can make it work for PDF itself, I'd probably need to order at least 1 print, more if it will not work out correctly the first time. Each print can take couple weeks to arrive, so it may be a long and relatively costly process...

I'm closing this issue for the moment being (thumbs will be handled separately with #17).