
How to build .jar from source code?

khoazero123 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm newbie Java, someone can guide me how to build this project?

Steps to build on Eclipse IDE:

  1. Download source.
  2. Open in Eclipse IDE via File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace.
  3. Select the source folder, click Finish.
  4. Right click on imported project.
  5. Select Run As -> Java Application, choose "ATCommandTester" and OK.
  6. Once the application launches - close it.
  7. Now right-click the project again.
  8. Select Export->Java->Runnable JAR file.
  9. Select launch configuration "ATCommandTester" and export destination filename, click Finish.
  10. If everything goes well, the JAR file will be at the specified destination.

Thank you very much. It work :)