Programmatically rendered NUIButton doesn't seem to inherit classes
Closed this issue · 2 comments
This code:
[NUIRenderer renderButton:doneButton withClass:@"SmallButton"];
doesn't inherit the properties of Button, which I thought was the desired behavior.
I've tried different methods of naming the class using CSS conventions (i.e. Button.SmallButton, Button SmallButton, etc), and also using the class name itself NUISmallButton
, but to no avail.
Is there a way to do this, or does this method only work in Interface Builder?
You'll want to use @"Button:SmallButton"
. Sorry for the confusion there; this is mentioned in another context here, but I'll try to make it more obvious within the NUIRenderer usage documentation soon.
I also might consider adopted a different syntax, now that the stylesheet has become more and more CSS-like (it was a plist previously).
If you could let me know whether the above does indeed work (it should), that'd be great!
That works perfectly. Thanks, Tom.