please add latency of query ldap , and custom filter function
yylbfyl opened this issue · 4 comments
- In order to monitor the availability of ldap service , please add latency indicator for querying ldap.
2.when I run openldap_exporter , there is a warning information, I don't know how to set filter in config.yaml , I find the objectClass=monitorOperation is a const , may I set it in config.yaml with variable?
WARN[0120] query failed component=scraper error="LDAP Result Code 1 "Operations Error": 000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-03100836, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 0\n\x00" filter="(objectClass=monitorOperation)"
1 - Sorry, but i think this kind of request is really specific to the type of LDAP requests you actually make. We could however add a configuration key to actually query the ldap and check the latency. @tomcz: opinion on this ?
2 - My guess is that you are runing an active directory, we are note compatible with this product i'm afraid.
- We could do that, but latency checks for queries are something that I've been considering as beyond the scope of this project. @JGodin-C2C is right, none of the queries made by this monitor reflect user-observable performance of the ldap server that is being monitored, so reporting on their latency should be done by something actually making production-like queries.
- Yeah, that most likely looks like active directory and is again beyond what this project is intended to support.
Hey all...
Just an FYI, I'm getting a very similar error in my logs:
time="2023-04-18T13:27:13Z" level=warning msg="query failed" component=scraper error="LDAP Result Code 32 \"No Such Object\": " filter="(objectClass=monitorOperation)"
When I curl /metrics, I only get the following openldap metrics:
openldap_dial{result="ok"} 67
openldap_scrape{result="fail"} 67
openldap_bind{result="ok"} 67
(and a bunch of various go metrics)
Using the osixia/docker-openldap
image. Going to try swapping over to Bitnami to see if there is any difference.
I can confirm the metrics show with the bitnami/openldap image...