
Question about the API

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Not really an issue, but mimicking the example code on the readme, it may look like jdbc/with-db-connection avoids connection pooling by going directly to Or does

(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource datasource}]

assign a free connection from the hikari managed pool?
I assume the latter, but just confirming here.

Hi @matanster, thanks for getting in touch. In all three cases in the readme we see:

(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource datasource}]

where datasource is defined above using make-datasource. make-datasource comes from hikari-cp.core and returns a datasource backed by a Hikari CP.

Does it answer your doubts? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question? Is there any way those code samples could be improved and made clearer?

@matanster the conn here is not a raw JDBC connection but a HikariCP managed proxy - so .close doesn't close the connection in fact but releases the (open) connection to the pool.

@jstepien @tomekw thank you, I think it is quite clear, I am just a bit rusty about connection pooling and clojure api might be a bit harder to read the source of than one would get with a Java type return value. No need for any update to the documentation of course! many thanks!