
readme example will try to connect to the datasource during compilation

yogthos opened this issue · 2 comments

The example here will create the datasource at compile time, which is typically not what you want. It would be better to update it to use an atom:

(defonce datasource (atom nil))

(defn connect! [] 
  (reset! datasource (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn disconnect! []
  (swap! datasource #(when % (close-datasource %))))

(defn -main [& args]
  (jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource @datasource}]
    (let [rows (jdbc/query conn "SELECT 0")]
      (println rows)))

alternatively with mount

(defstate datasource
  :start (make-datasource datasource-options)
  :stop (close-datasource datasource))

Thanks @yogthos. Would you be so kind to prepare a PR?

sure thing