Questions about two different results with the same coding target.
han5onwi11y opened this issue · 1 comments
Thank you for reading this message and thanks to the authors of this reed-solomon Python repository.
If we take (255, 223) coding as an example and assume GF(2^8), the information before coding has 223 bytes, and the reed-solomon ecc has 32 bytes. Hence, the total encoded length is 255 bytes.
First, the information before coding has a file named "input.bin", which has 233 bytes.
input.bin | column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 | column 5 | column 6 | column 7 | column 8 | column 9 | column 10 | column 11 | column 12 | column 13 | column 14 | column 15 | column 16 |
row 1 | 0x12 | 0x34 | 0x56 | 0x78 | 0x90 | 0x11 | 0x22 | 0x33 | 0x44 | 0x55 | 0x66 | 0x77 | 0x88 | 0x99 | 0x00 | 0xff |
row 2 | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff |
row 3 | 0x32 | 0x3a | 0x63 | 0x75 | 0x3c | 0x77 | 0xb3 | 0x83 | 0x86 | 0x86 | 0x5c | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x20 | 0x00 | 0x00 |
row 4 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x20 | 0x02 | 0x00 | 0x10 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x01 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xb0 | 0xf1 | 0x01 | 0x00 |
row 5 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x60 | 0x08 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x18 | 0x30 | 0x97 | 0xe5 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x53 | 0xe3 | 0x0c | 0x00 |
row 6 | 0x00 | 0x1a | 0xd8 | 0x28 | 0xcd | 0xe1 | 0x78 | 0x10 | 0x96 | 0xe5 | 0x06 | 0x00 | 0xa0 | 0xe1 | 0x31 | 0xff |
row 7 | 0x2f | 0xe1 | 0x00 | 0x20 | 0x50 | 0xe2 | 0xe5 | 0xff | 0xff | 0xca | 0x05 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x0a | 0xcc | 0x01 |
row 8 | 0x9f | 0xe5 | 0x0a | 0x10 | 0xa0 | 0xe1 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x8f | 0xe0 | 0xdc | 0xa0 | 0x90 | 0xe5 | 0x01 | 0x10 |
row 9 | 0x41 | 0xe2 | 0x94 | 0x90 | 0x90 | 0xe5 | 0x01 | 0x20 | 0x02 | 0xe0 | 0x00 | 0x30 | 0xa0 | 0xe3 | 0xc8 | 0xd0 |
row10 | 0x4d | 0xe2 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 0x92 | 0xe1 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x0a | 0x50 | 0x03 | 0x9f | 0xe5 | 0x00 | 0x00 |
row11 | 0x8f | 0xe0 | 0xa0 | 0x90 | 0xe5 | 0x01 | 0x10 | 0x41 | 0xe2 | 0x94 | 0x90 | 0x90 | 0xe5 | 0x01 | 0x20 | 0x02 |
row12 | 0xe0 | 0x00 | 0x30 | 0xa0 | 0xe3 | 0xc8 | 0xd0 | 0x4d | 0xe2 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 0x92 | 0xe1 | 0x03 | 0x08 | 0x10 |
row13 | 0x9d | 0xe5 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x51 | 0xe3 | 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x0a | 0x08 | 0x20 | 0x9d | 0xe5 | 0x04 | 0x00 |
row14 | 0xa0 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x9d | 0xe5 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x51 | 0xe3 | 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x0a | 0x08 | 0x20 | - |
Second, I use the MATLAB to generate the RS code, and the result of 32-byte RS code is below. Please note that this 32-byte RS code generated by MATLAB is my desired result. However, the Python script provided by his Github repository has different results (see the third part).
m = 8;
n = 255;
k = 223;
prim_poly = 285;
genpoly = rsgenpoly(n,k,prim_poly,1);
fp = fopen('input.bin','r','b') ;
data = fread(fp, 'ubit8')';
info_bytes = gf(data ,m);
encode_bytes = rsenc(info_bytes,n,k,genpoly) ;
encode_bytes.x %print this, then see the 255 bytes with rs code
rs code | column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 | column 5 | column 6 | column 7 | column 8 | column 9 | column 10 | column 11 | column 12 | column 13 | column 14 | column 15 | column 16 |
row 1 | 0x28 | 0x49 | 0x62 | 0x92 | 0x1d | 0x89 | 0x5c | 0x81 | 0x02 | 0xde | 0x7b | 0x1f | 0xb3 | 0xc1 | 0xa8 | 0x48 |
row 2 | 0xd4 | 0xe9 | 0xad | 0x47 | 0xf4 | 0x70 | 0x58 | 0x8b | 0x97 | 0x1d | 0x8a | 0x83 | 0x42 | 0x32 | 0x29 | 0x7d |
Third, I use the Python script provided by his Github repository.
from reedsolo import RSCodec
import reedsolo as rs
inputfile = open('input.bin', "rb")
n = 255
rsc = RSCodec(32)
ecc_encode = rsc.encode(
If you print ecc_encode
out, you can see the 32-byte RS code below.
rs code | column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 | column 5 | column 6 | column 7 | column 8 | column 9 | column 10 | column 11 | column 12 | column 13 | column 14 | column 15 | column 16 |
row 1 | 0xfd | 0xe2 | 0xaa | 0x47 | 0x93 | 0xad | 0x57 | 0x5b | 0xca | 0xd8 | 0x17 | 0x19 | 0xe2 | 0x38 | 0x52 | 0x7d |
row 2 | 0x74 | 0xa3 | 0x98 | 0xf9 | 0x23 | 0xc3 | 0xa3 | 0xba | 0x3d | 0x80 | 0x80 | 0x02 | 0x61 | 0xf5 | 0x91 | 0x29 |
The result generated by Python script is not corrected (at least, it is not my desired).
Could you help me correct the Python script? Thank you.
Normally our library is mathematically standardized, I developed two different codebases (see also unireedsolomon) from two different approaches to ensure that it is universal. So either MATLAB's codec is doing some assumptions that you did not input into our codec (such as a non-zero fcr value), or there is something different with the data loading, so that the data you feed into RSCodec is actually different from the one you feed into the MATLAB's RS codec.
In particular, I am referring to this MATLAB line:
data = fread(fp, 'ubit8')';
There is no equivalent in your Python code.
However, since you do not provide here the original input data, I cannot test further. It is not sufficient you provide the output of both codecs encodings, we would need to see the original file, so that we can try to reproduce on our own. You provide a dump above but it would help if you could provide a code to generate it either in MATLAB or Python, or just attach it here or via a 3rd party website, so that we are exactly on the same page, as otherwise reproducing the dump is I think hazardous.