
Investigate self-guided version

benhylau opened this issue · 4 comments

Self-guided format examples:

Mesh Workshop is a primitive version covering some of the concepts in this course, requiring specific hardware, as in this course.

As we move to a modularized system of presenter resources is this still something to consider? This concept could possibly be better served as a separate project where content is not dependant on a presenter —> student relationship. Admittedly I don't have time to construct such a thing....

I think I'd personally rather stick with tailoring content to this environment, that's not to say the content instructional couldn't be duplicated to a self-driven scenario later on but I don't think it should be a focus for the workshop.

Probably a good discussion item for our meeting, what are the settings we want to design for?

We have so far talked about:

  • 2-hour technical workshop with facilitator and helpers
    • e.g. Toronto Mesh workshop Raspberry Pi hands-on
  • 1-hour social activity
    • e.g. drawing activity
    • e.g. Toronto Mesh workshop social activities
  • 15-minute skill station
    • e.g. People's Open's stations

I wonder if materials like this can even be made into a format like:

  • 15-min lightning talk

Or in this ticket:

  • 1-hour self-guided

I think it's good (at least to begin with) that we limit to a small set of formats. Thinking about time required + presentation environment as categories is probably a good place to start our new initiative.

De-scoping from this project by consensus at 26 March 2019 meeting of working group @futurefarmer @Shrinks99 @bennlich @benhylau. Favour focusing on facilitated activities.

De-scoping this from the Mesh Workshop is good. But I do think follow-up material and self-study videos are helpful. I also like this format, mixed with some interactivity and videos:
