
Integrate new Remark presentations into

Shrinks99 opened this issue · 3 comments

Decktape is used to convert the Remark slideshows into PDFs that can be packaged (#41) and also integrated into the website placed into the handouts folder so they can be distributed to students.

The command for Decktape is decktape remark file/path/name.html file/path/name.pdf --chrome-arg=--allow-file-access-from-files.

New things the build script needs to do!

  1. Copy each module-x-presentation.html file into its appropriate output folder module.
  2. Copy each slide-images folder into its appropriate output folder module.
  3. Copy the slide-files folder into the output directory. This folder contains all the CSS & Javascript that every Remark presentation uses to display the slides.
  4. Generate a PDF using Decktape (more info here) and place it into the handouts folder (currently called worksheet. Maybe that should be renamed?).

PR #87
Will take module-x-presentation.html (if it exists) and generate a output/module-x/module-x-deck.pdf out of it

This has been completed in PR #87!