
a proof of concept for a kiosk app to add users to a mailing list or check them in at an event

Primary LanguageRuby

Bootstrap an App with Constant Contact

a proof of concept for a kiosk app to add users to a mailing list or check them in at an event

Hipchat room for tonights event: https://www.hipchat.com/gvNsQ0cJQ

========== Steps for setting up the basic app :

The most recent version of these steps found here : http://slides.com/brian915/bootstrap-an-app-with-constant-contact--2

  1. it will utilize AppConnect - Constant Contact's Developer API Developers will need to setup a Mashery Account to get an API key :



  1. Clone your fork to your local machine.
  2. cd Bootstrap-Kiosk-App/config/initializers/
  3. mv _secret_tokens.rb.example _secret_tokens.rb (note this file is git-ignored so you don't accidently put your private keys on github)
  4. cd ../../; bundle installl
  5. Run 'rake secret' to generate a new rails secret key.
  6. Paste this key into '_secret_tokens.rb' on the line: BootstrapKioskApp::Application.config.secret_key_base
  7. Sign up for an API key through mashery: https://constantcontact.mashery.com/
  8. Create a new application by clicking API Keys, then Applications
  9. Make sure to enter the following for the 'Redirect URI for OAuth calls' : http://localhost:3000/users/auth/constantcontact/callback
  10. Enter the api key and secret key into: _secret_tokens.rb file.
  11. rake db:create
  12. rake db:migrate
  13. If you don't have a Constant Contact account, register for one account, and verify your account email address.
  14. If you DO have a CTCT account, you will need to know the email address associated with that account.
  15. Start your rails server : 'rails s'.
  16. Load "Localhost:3000", Click 'sign in'.
  17. Enter your constantcontact login information. ( your username should be the email address you signed up with )
  18. Success!

Keep in mind that if other people work on your app they will need a copy of your _secret_tokens file, which should not be in github.