
USER STORY : Viewing past invoices

tomik-z-cech opened this issue · 1 comments

As a Site User, I can view detail of any of my own past orders in case of needing them in future.

Acceptance Criteria :

Loged In User :
When I navigate to "Order History" and select partucular invoice to view then then the the invoice opens in new browser tab .

Not Loged in User :

Doesn't have that option.

Tasks :

  • Create a logic in to display selected invoice
  • Protect the view for only loged in users
  • Protect the invoice for only user the invoice belongs to
  • Test functionality as loged in user
  • Test functionality as not loged in user
  • Test functionality as user of order
  • Test functionality as not user of order

Epic :

This was done in commit 3b301fc.