
Open Source

Opened this issue · 14 comments

The readme states:

This project will be opensourced once released final.

Since the last release is over one year old I like to suggest not waiting for a "final release" to open sourcing the tool. This way other can contribute enhancements and a "final" release might be reached sooner.

I would be interested in contributing. Especially since the script doesn't work with CC 2014 in its current state. I even started playing around with making my own version of this tool that generates code for EaselJS.

I would also contribute if the project was open sourced. It would be great to have raw SVG data output as well. Having to export an svg just to copy/paste the paths becomes tedious. This tool already has the functionality to easily integrate a feature like this with a pull request... what a shame...



@tomkrcha I would love to see this opensource also!
I was using this for my thesis two years ago and would love to help contribute to this project when it's opensource.
Please :))

My guess is, that Adobe will be baking this into Photoshop and now there is a conflict of interest.
So I wouldn't hold my breath.

+1 to opensource. You'd get an army of contributors


Well, we gave up on waiting for a DrawScript open source release. So we now started Draw2Script. It is not polished, it is buggy, it lacks a lot of features. It is a dirty proof-of-concept! But in open source fashion - release early, release often - it is already on github.

Curious? Follow the progress over at

Draw2Script is now on the adobe add-on platform and can be easily be installed from here:

It is still missing features compared to the original drawscript. Feedback - and patches ;) - are welcome!

I'm interested to export vectors to code in processing.