
Upgrading the Owncloud server to 10.2.0 will make this app to stop working

Opened this issue · 3 comments


First of all, I would like to say thank you for the excelent apps that you do. So far I'm using 2 of the 3 apps that where developed to the Owncoud solution, and they are great.

If we upgrade the Owncloud server to the lattest version (10.2.0) this app will not be available, and must to be disabled.
The same problem is occuring with the DrawIO app as already reported. Can you please check if this is something that can be easily fixed?

Thank you.

vapaa commented

I can only go along with that, the apps are very good. If you find the time to update this app to the new occ it would be more than great.


You can still activate the app manually if you have access to your owncloud installation folder:
Change the max-version dependencies in apps/wallpaper/appinfo/info.xml to "10"
Then you should be able to enable the app from your settings.
Downside: owncloud will now tell you that There were problems with the code integrity check. More information… since, due to the file change, the file hashes don't match anymore
This message however is only visible to admins

@tomneedham I would also really appreciate a new release which is compatible with version 10.5