
please explain about your dotfiles

NvN1806 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hey tomnomnom
can you please explain about dotfile?
i mean what is use ? and how to use those files?


I'll do my best :)

This repo contains the standard configuration files I use on any linux system I use regularly; i.e. my desktop, my laptop, and a handful of servers I use for a variety of purposes.

The name 'dotfiles' comes from the tendency of linux config files for things like bash and vim to start with a dot (.), in order to make them hidden (the reasons for which are kind of interesting)

I also keep a handful of scripts that I use often in this repo. They're mostly not likely to be all that useful to other people.

I think the primary use for this repo being public isn't for other people to use my config as-is, but to look at the individual files for inspiration, and for me to easily refer people to how I have configured a specific thing.

I think it's really important that people gradually develop their own personal set of configuration that they feel comfortable with; not just for the purpose of learning what everything does, but because sometimes there can be nasty surprises lurking where aliases etc overwrite default behaviour, or where assumptions have been made in scripts that aren't true for other people's systems.

I hope that clears things up a little :)

thanks bro, very helpfull

do a video on vim usage and shortcuts how to use, like you

I'll add that to the list :)