
Can you translate To english ^_^

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I don't exactly understand

Maybe I can…
But my English is not good.
Because I started to learn English 2 years ago.
if you help me(pull reqest…),I will be able to do.
Could you help me?

Hmm, i can to try your api

I gonna translate those. (it may takes 1 or 2 days)
After that I will send you translated words
Please check those

Of course


May i ask for your id Line??

Not problem

  "after-this-add-authtoken-arg":"Please add authtoken to the argument at the time of execution from now",
  "add-arg-sample":"Example:java -jar line.jar authtoken",
  "thanks_for_adding":"%s, thanks for adding!!\nWhen you invite me to a group,I will join it automatic.\nInvite me to many groups!!",
  "thanks_for_inviting":"(*´ヮ`)<Thanks for inviteing.\nI joined.\nI'm read bot.!\nPlease check commands by saying \"help\".",
  "welcome_this_group":"%sさ,Welcome to%g!\nI'm Yuzu",
  "cant_use_in_room":"Can't use in room.\n%s,I'm sorry!",
  "changed_group_name":"%s changed group name.",
  "changed_group_image":"%s changed group image.",
  "blocked_invitng_by_url":"%s blocked inviting by URL.",
  "allowed_invitng_by_url":"%s allowed inviting by URL.",
  "changed_notification_setting":"%s changed notification setting.",
  "help_message":"I tell you all commands!\n\n[help]\nsend help\n[whoread]\nwho read?(First time, result might be true.)\n[reset]\nreset readers list\n[mid]\nsend your mid\n[gid]\nsend gid\n[ginfo]\nget group infomations\n[geturl]\nreissue group url\n[new group name into gname]\nchange group name\n(Also, You can use new group name > gname)\n[howinv]\nHow many users are invited?\n[stkinfo]\nsend sticker infomations\n[speed]\nKnow bot's speed\n[sencon:mid]\nsend a contact you selected(replace mid with yours)\n[leave here]\nLeave this group\n\n[other futures]\nsend conatct infomations\nsend infomation when you shared timeline post\nsend a message when group call started/ended\nWhen you posted groupboard,send that infomations\n\nlastupdate:%d\nBuild:%b %t\n・Contact us\n%supporturl",
  "good_for_working":"(*´◇`)<Thank you very much for your hard work.\nToday, there is a refreshing scented yuzu bath❤\n…Oh, I'm not in that!\nOhhhh;",
  "prepaired_dinner":"(*´◇`)<The meal was ready♡\nToday is a kaiseki♡",
  "good_morning":"good morning",
  "good_morning_msg":"(*´v`)<Good Morning。\nI'm stil sllepy,but I will work good!",
  "bath_cleaning":"(*´◇`)<Bath cleaning~~♪Goshigoshi。\nI have a warm bath~\nPlease come back soon.♪",
  "speed_result":"(*´ヮ`)<this is the result!\ndiff : %sms",
  "does_not_exists_gid":"(*´ヮ`)<here is not group, so gid does not exist",
  "reset_readers_list":"(*´ヮ`)<I reset readers list",
  "this_command_does_not_supported":"(*´ヮ`)<This command supports in only groups.",
  "ginfo_1":"[GroupInfo]\n\nGroupName:%s\n\nGroupId:%t\n\nGroupAuthor(does not exist now):%u\n\nThe oldest people:%v\n\nGroupPicture:\n\nURLInviting:Allows",
  "ginfo_2":"[GroupInfo]\n\nGroupName:%s\n\nGroupId:%t\n\nGroupAuthor:%u\n\nThe oldest people:%v\n\nGroupPicture:\n\nURLInviting:Allows",
  "ginfo_3":"[GroupInfo]\n\nGroupName:%s\n\nGroupId:%t\n\nGroupAuthor(does not exist now):%u\n\nThe oldest people:%v\n\nGroupPicture:\n\nURLInviting:Denys",
  "ginfo_4":"[GroupInfo]\n\nGroupName:%s\n\nGroupId:%t\n\nGroupAuthor:%u\n\nThe oldest people:%v\n\nGroupPicture:\n\nURLInviting:Denys",
  "no_bady_invited":"(*´ヮ`)<No bady was invited",
  "invited_users":"(*´ヮ`)<%s users were(was) invited",
  "no_bady_read":"(*´ヮ`)<No bady read。",
  "read_users":"Readers are,\n%s.",
  "use_other_name":"(*´ヮ`)<Please name it different now.",
  "i_changed_group_name":"(*´ヮ`)<I changed group name.",
  "i_reissued_glink":"(*´ヮ`)<I reissued group url\n(URL will be Disabled when you kicked me,reissued group url)\nline://ti/g/%s",
  "send_stk":"send a sticker you want to know more",
  "good_for_meeting_you":"(*´ヮ`)<I leave from this group\nIt was really nice meeting you",
  "user_does_not_exist":"(*´ヮ`)<The user does not exist.",
  "started_group_call":"%s started Group Call.",
  "started_group_video_call":"%s started Group Video Call.",
  "ended_group_call":"Group Call was ended.\nCalling time:%sms",
  "ended_group_video_call":"Group VIdeo Call was ended.\nCalling time:%sms",
  "shared_timeline":"%s shared %t's timeline post.",
  "posted_group_note":"%s posted group note.",
  "click_this_link_in_two_minutes":"(*´ヮ`)<Please click this link in 2 minutes!"

these will be replaced with user name,group name....

thanks for @HelloTan
I pushed it.