
This is the class to make CCSlider to the menu, when you slide thumb, you can get message.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


"In Cocos2d Extention, there is great class (CCSlider). I would like to use this as a Menu. I really appriciate the work for Cocos2d and Cocos2D Extentions."

This class using Blocks, so you need to use iOS 4 or newer.

This code is released under MIT license.

How to create (Easy)

    CCSliderMenu* sliderMenu = [CCSliderMenu sliderMenuWithBackgroundFile:@"menuFrame_racing.png" thumbFile:@"n_cf_001_mini.png" blockWhenButtonFire:
                  ^(id sender){[self menuFired:sender];}]; 
    sliderMenu.tag = kTagSliderRace2;
    sliderMenu.position = ccp(wins.width*1/2.0,wins.height*1.5/2);
    [self addChild:sliderMenu];

How to create (Advanced)

    CCSliderMenu* sliderMenu = [CCSliderMenu sliderMenuWithBackgroundFile:@"menuFrame_racing.png" thumbFile:@"n_cf_001_mini.png" blockWhenButtonFire:
                                ^(id sender){[self menuFired:sender];}];
    sliderMenu.tag = kTagSliderRace;
    sliderMenu.position = ccp(wins.width*1/2.0,wins.height*0.5/2);
    sliderMenu.regularAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:.5 scale:.9],[CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:.5 scale:1.0], nil ]];
    sliderMenu.selectedAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:.5 opacity:0x80],[CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:.5 opacity:0xff], nil ]];
    sliderMenu.blockTouched = ^(id sender){[self menuStartTouched:sender];};
    [self addChild:sliderMenu];