Ref and Label commands Not working with HTML / DOCX
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Deleted user commented
It seems that the \ref{} command isn't resolving when making HTML or DOCX files. I have \label{} in all of my figures and I use \ref{*} to reference them in the body of the text. When I make PDF, the \ref resolves correctly (I see Figure 10 or Figure 5, etc.). However, when I make HTML or make DOCX, the \ref just resolves blank. Is there a way to fix this? Below is a sample of what I'm doing:
In \ref{fig-similarity}, the solid colour diamonds appear to be related to each other in a way that they are not to the transparent diamonds.
![Use of similarity to group objects. \label{fig-similarity}](/users/shanemcgarry/Dropbox/Maynooth/PhD/Writing/Dissertation/source/figures/gestalt_similarity_1.png)
arnaudmiribel commented
+1 same issue