
Select previous line

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, and thanks for this great plugin.
I've markdown files where I would like to select title like this

Title 1
blah blah
### Other title

So I use :

:TToC \(^.*\n----.*\|^#.*\)

the line content of title one doesn't appear, line is empty.
I'm wrong or is this a bug ?

Can you help me to select the title one with the rule of go up one line before -----.*

Best regards


This should go to the ttoc_vim issue tracker. The problem was solved in tomtom/ttoc_vim@8a629a0

I also included a pattern for markdown files at Please let me know if it works for you.


Sorry, for the wrong place of this issue.
Thank you so much, it's work like a charm and you go over with the markdown pattern !