
Loading with recent version of Vim throws an error

mozzenior opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Loading with recent version of Vim throws an error

To reproduce

  1. Check out tlib_vim
  2. Run vim in the directory of tlib_vim
  3. Run ":so plugin/02tlib/vim" to load it

Expected behavior
Plugin loaded without an error.

Actual behavior
Vim throws the below error.

Error detected while processing /path/to/tlib_vim/plugin/02tlib.vim:
line   77: E1208: -complete used without -nargs

Vim version: 8.2.3172
tlib_vim commit hash: a071b6d

Proposed solution
Remove -complete=command from the 77th line in plugin/02tlib.vim; making it looks like below.

command! -nargs=0 TBrowseScriptnames call tlib#cmd#TBrowseScriptnames()

Please ignore this issue. I just noticed it is a duplicate of push request #30 .