
Javascript library to access the GitHub API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Javascript library to access the GitHub API.

  • ✨ Promise based
  • ✨ Support GitHub Enterprise
  • ✨ Easy handling of paginated results


$ npm install octocat --save


Create an API client

var GitHub = require('octocat');

// Using an access token
var client = new GitHub({
    token: "my-access-token"

// Using an username/password
var client = new GitHub({
    username: "SamyPesse",
    password: "my-password"

// Connecting to an enterprise version
var client = new GitHub({
    endpoint: "https:///github.mycompany.com"

Direct API access

All of these methods return promises.

client.request('GET', '/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* query/body parameters */})

client.get('/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* query parameters */})
client.post('/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* body parameters */})
client.patch('/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* body parameters */})
client.put('/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* body parameters */})
client.del('/repos/SamyPesse/octocat.js', { /* body parameters */})

These methods return a response object that looks like:

    // HTTP Status code
    statusCode: 200,

    // Type of status: 2XX, 3XX, 4xx
    statusType: '2XX',

    // Headers returned by the server
    headers: { ... },

    // Body of the request
    body: { ... }

In case of error, the response can also be accessible using as a response property.


Some methods of Octonode return paginated results. Check on GitHub which API methods are paginated.

These methods return a Page object:

  • page.list contains the list of results in the current page
  • page.next() update with the results of the next page (Promised)
  • page.prev() update with the results of the previous page (Promised)
  • page.hasNext() and page.hasPrev()
  • page.all() return all the results by recursively calling the API


// Get a single user
var user = client.user('SamyPesse');
user.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Get the authenticated user
var user = client.me();

// Edit the authenticated user
    name: "New Name"


// Create a new repository
client.createRepo({ ... }).then(function() { });

// Get public repositories (paginated)
client.repos().then(function(page) { ... });

// List user repositories
user.repos().then(function(page) { ... });

// Get a single repository
var repo = client.repo('SamyPesse/octocat.js');
repo.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Compare two commits
repo.compare('master', 'dev').then(function(infos) { ... });

// Perform a merge
repo.merge({ base: 'master', head: 'dev' }).then(function() { ... });

// Delete the repository


// List issues for a repository
repo.issues().then(function(page) { ... });

// Create an issue in a repository
    title: "An awesome issue"

// Get a single issue in a repository
var issue = repo.issue(200);
issue.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Edit an issue
    title: "New Title"


// List organizations of an user
user.orgs().then(function(orgs) { ... });

// Get a single organization
var org = client.org('GitbookIO');
org.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Edit the organization
    name: "The new name"

// List members of the organization
org.members().then(function(page) { ... });

// Create a new repository
org.createRepo({ ... }).then(function() { });


// List commits for a repository
repo.commits().then(function(commits) { ... });

// Get a single commit
var commit = repo.commit('6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e');
commit.info().then(function(infos) { ... });


// Create a Status
repo.createStatus('sha', { ... }).then(function() { ... });

// List Statuses for a specific Ref
commit.statuses().then(function(statuses) { ... });


// List branches for a repository
repo.branches().then(function(branches) { ... });

// Get a single branch
var branch = repo.branch('master');
branch.info().then(function(infos) { ... });


// List tags for a repository
repo.tags().then(function(tags) { ... });


// List hooks for a repository
repo.hooks().then(function(hooks) { ... });

// Get a single hook
var hook = repo.hook('1');
hook.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Edit a hook
    name: "Test"

// Delete the hook


// List releases of a repository
repo.releases().then(function(assets) { ... });

// Get details about the release
var release = repo.release('1');
release.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Edit a release
    name: "Test"

// Delete the release

Uploading assets

// Upload a new asset as file/stream
release.upload('./myfile.zip').then(function() { ... });
release.upload(stream, { name: "myfile.zip" }).then(function() { ... });

release.upload will also notify with progress:

.progress(function(p) {
    { percentage: 96.61881065572815,
      transferred: 45088768,
      length: 46666656,
      remaining: 1577888,
      eta: 0,
      runtime: 11,
      delta: 196608,
      speed: 3920762.434782609 }
.then(function() {


Releases Assets

// List assets of a release
release.assets().then(function(assets) { ... });

// Get details about the release
var asset = release.asset('1');
asset.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Download the asset to a file
asset.download('./myfile.zip').then(function() { ... });

// Download the asset to a stream
asset.download(stream).then(function() { ... });

// Delete the asset


// List email addresses
client.userEmails().then(function(emails) { ... });

// Add email address(es)
client.addUserEmails([ 'octocat@github.com' ]).then(function() { ... });

// Delete email address(es)
client.deleteUserEmails([ 'octocat@github.com' ]).then(function() { ... });

Authorization for a specific app

var app = client.application('clientId');
var token = app.token('access_token');

// Check an authorization
token.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Reset an authorization
token.reset().then(function() { ... });

// Delete an authorization
token.destroy().then(function() { ... });

Git Data

var ref = repo.gitRef('heads/master');

// Get a reference
ref.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

// Edit / Delete
ref.edit({ ... }).then(function() { ... });
ref.destroy().then(function() { ... });
var commit = repo.gitCommit('<sha>');

// Get a commit
commit.info().then(function(infos) { ... });

Rate Limiting

You can also check your rate limit status by calling the following.

client.limit().then(function(rate) { ... })