
Having table-name field to Column class

acorn371 opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to add a table field to Column class ? It could be useful in queries having joined-tables.

I have two tables (users and profiles) having some fields with the same name name as in the following table definitions:

	id                   integer NOT NULL,
	name                 text NOT NULL,
	profile_id           integer NOT NULL,
	CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id )
 CREATE TABLE profiles ( 
	id                   integer NOT NULL,
	name                 text  NOT NULL,
	CONSTRAINT profiles_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id )

In my query
List<Row> rows = await cnn.query("select users.*,profiles.* from users inner join profiles on").toList();

calling rows.first.getColumns() I can get a list of Column with two of these having the same name name because table-name alias was stripped. My software cannot decide which column-name name belongs to which table.

Moreover, rows.first.toMap() get me a map with a column-name name collapsed, loosing a column value.

I know, I could set an different alias to every column having the same name but this approach isn't easily
implemented by a generic software procedure.


Not sure if it is feasible, since the name is returned by PG server. This package is only a driver. It won't and shan't parse the SQL statement.

Yes, You're probably right, it depends on PS Server and it's correct that a driver don't parse any sql statement at all.
Thank You.