[<SDK>]: how can I get the boc,After I call tonConnectUI.sendTransaction(transaction)
longqingzhao opened this issue · 0 comments
longqingzhao commented
Your Question
After I use tonConnectUI.sendTransaction(transaction)
to transfer ton, I can get boc。But to transfer jetton, I got undefined。so how can I get jetton After tonConnectUI.sendTransaction(transaction)
I want to create an SDK to provide an interface for our business. They only need to provide relevant parameters without worrying about whether it is ton or jetton. Then, I will synchronize all the transfer and verification logic in the SDK. After the transfer is successful and verified, it will be returned to the business layer
What have you tried so far?
I tried all the ways I could. For example, the official website https://docs.ton.org/ For example, cloning all SDK source code to collect and parse relevant traces of returned Boc
Relevant Code or Commands
async function sendTransaction({
repeat = 10,
interval = 60 * 1000
}) {
if (tonConnectUI === undefined) throw new Error('wallet connect is not initialized')
if (!comment || comment.length === 0) {
comment = `${Date.now()}`
const toRealAddress = await getContractAddress(toAddress)
const realAddress = await getContractAddress(tonConnectUI?.wallet?.account?.address)
const conRealAddress = await getContractAddress(realAddress, contractAddress)
let payload = beginCell()
const transaction = {
validUntil: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 360
if (contractAddress) {
payload = payload.storeUint(0xf8a7ea5, 32)
.storeUint(0, 64)
.storeUint(0, 1)
.storeUint(0, 1)
.storeUint(0, 32)
} else {
payload = payload.storeUint(0, 32)
transaction.messages = [
address: conRealAddress.toString(),
amount: toNano(contractAddress ? gasFee : amount).toString(),
// 发送
const ddd = tonConnectUI.sendTransaction(transaction)
console.log('boc', JSON.stringify(ddd))
// let transCount = 0
// const c = await client()
// const needOp = contractAddress ? 0x7362d09c.toString(16) : undefined
// const fun = (tr) => {
// try {
// const slice = tr.inMessage.body.beginParse()
// if (needOp) {
// const cop = slice.loadUint(32).toString(16)
// if (cop !== needOp) {
// return false
// }
// slice.loadUint(64)
// slice.loadCoins()
// slice.loadAddress().toString()
// slice.loadBit()
// slice.loadUint(32).toString(16)
// } else {
// slice.loadUint(32)
// }
// const currentComment = slice.loadStringTail()
// return comment === currentComment
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e)
// return false
// }
// }
// while (transCount++ < repeat) {
// const transactions = await c.getTransactions(Address.parse(toAddress), { limit: 10 })
// const tr = transactions.find(tr => fun(tr))
// if (tr) {
// return tr
// }
// await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, interval))
// }
return null
Documentation Check
- Yes, I have checked the documentation.