
getTransactions not working properly.

witer33 opened this issue · 1 comments

address: EQBUdV7ebJT1bdR-6NggOa1YO0n7gScKZrHAAY3jX5oO515t
limit: 10
lt: 11047435000003
hash: VK9ZSkDlKB34g1rgQ0MczEJd7cOIoLNjyNjPl/iYPEc=

Sending this query, on testnet Toncenter main server, will result in 4 transactions,

1) lt: 11047435000003 hash: VK9ZSkDlKB34g1rgQ0MczEJd7cOIoLNjyNjPl/iYPEc=
2) lt: 11047062000003 hash: +QNVG8jkcfgOE/b9GDcxiPod10SWbSmW8MfAwZxAyzE=
3) lt: 11019981000003 hash: OxSpM0k2FpCwwHlzavRQ0cLqecb4mf38/ygJ6w7V25E=
4) lt: 11019472000003 hash: 61Qs4Q3dU2OFLPAsvf/xTkVwQzHtQBZLvK8DXT+Bv2I=

As you can see, the last 3 lt are lower than the lt passed as an argument.
Is this expected to happen? Reading some TonWeb example code I tought this is an unexpected behaviour.

CURL shell command:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Hi @witer33, you are right, currently, parameters names are a bit confusing. This method looks up transactions from the top of the blockchain, therefore lt parameter is the highest lt and to_lt is the lowest. It's counter-intuitive but we can't change it without breaking the current users.