
Testnet error on sendBoc endpoint

leoenes opened this issue · 3 comments


After calling the endpoint 'http://$LOCAL_IP:8081/sendBoc', I'm receiving the error message:

  "ok": false,
  "error": "LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : failed to parse external message external message is not a valid bag of cells",
  "code": 500

It just happens when I use the modified testnet.json (the one that points to my own lite server). All others endpoints are working with this configuration, by now.

PS: In mainnet, seems ok!

Can you please show example of BOC which causes this error?

Hello, I recreated here the docker pointinhg to last version of master, and I think it worked correctly. I will close the issue here.

Actually, it happened again:

We are receiving the same error:

  "ok": false,
  "error": "LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : failed to parse external message external message is not a valid bag of cells",
  "code": 500

A payload example:
