
Failure to parse on $

calexander3 opened this issue · 2 comments

After upgrading from 1.4 to 2.1, this line of my .env file started to fail to parse:


Stack Trace:

Sprache.ParseException: Parsing failure: unexpected 'T'; expected end of input (Line 27, Column 1); recently consumed: IDER=okta

   at Sprache.ParserExtensions.Parse[T](Parser`1 parser, String input)
   at DotNetEnv.Parsers.ParseDotenvFile(String contents, Func`2 tranform)
   at DotNetEnv.Env.LoadContents(String contents, LoadOptions options)
   at DotNetEnv.Env.Load(String path, LoadOptions options)

The next line starts with T so I think that is what the error is talking about.

Removing the $ allows it to load but as that it is a necessary part of the value, I can't remove it permanently.

Wow, thank you! This was a critical bug for sure. Easy enough to fix thankfully. Fix rolled out in 2.1.1 -- I hope it works great for you!

Works great indeed! Thank you!